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Hotel Ara Ambigua

Ara Ambigua Hotel

In the most beautiful exuberance of the rainforest of Sarapiquí, as a green ecological sanctuary, full of peace and tranquility, and only a house and thirty minutes from San Jose, there ir Ara Ambigua Lodge.

Its beautiful lakes have trails around, and three hectares of forest that has been preserved for many years, taking care of its flora and fauna, the 100% natural and pure water used in the hotel comes from this lakes. For its good sustainable cultural and economic practices, Ara Ambigua has the Tourism Sustainability Certificate (CST by its acronym in Spanish), awarded by the Costa Rican Tourism Institute. The food is one of the strengths of Ara Ambigua, in the Restaurant La Casona, its visitors can be delighted with the most exquisite national and international food.


(506) 2766-7101 / (506) 2766-6401





400 meters north from the Guaria Cemetery, Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí, Heredia.